Yesterday, Rock Band for iPhone users reported receiving a pop-up message 'claiming that the app would be closing down on 31 May'. Now, EA has released a statement informing users that the message was sent in error, and the company had no plans to shut down Rock Band for iOS.
The message sent to Rock Band for iOS users when they opened the app yesterday read: "Dear Rockers, On May 31, ROCK BAND will no longer be playable on your device. Thanks for rocking out with us!"
Later, EA said in a statement: "Rock Band for iOS will remain live - the in-app message users received yesterday was sent in error."
"We apologize for the confusion this has caused. We're working to clarify the issue that caused the error and will share additional information as soon as possible," EA continued.
However, the clarification from EA replaces an explanation on the website which previously said the company would be "suspending support for Rock Band after May 31 and focusing on resources on other titles," reports The Verge. This raises suspicions about how accidental EA's error could have been.
Some tweets are suggesting that EA could have reversed its decision to shut down Rock Band following negative feedback from media and customers.
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