Saturday 26 May 2012

HP's Enyo team 'clarifies' reports about Google move

HP's Enyo team says reports of its move to Google need clarification.
The Verge reported yesterday that Google would soon be assimilating the Hewlett-Packard team responsible for creating Enyo, the HTLM5-based application framework for WebOS that debuted on the failed TouchPad.
But a blog item posted on the Enyo Web site today says the majority of the team remains, that development of Enyo will continue, and that the Enyo team is expanding.
In an update to its report, and citing unnamed sources, The Verge had added that the person in charge of Enyo, Matt McNulty, was one of the people headed to Google, along with other team members "responsible for 99 percent of the code."
CNET contacted HP today for comment on those claims and was referred to the Enyo team's blog post (which follows). We've also contacted Google for comment and will update this post if and when we hear back.
 We'd like to clarify some of the news reports you may have read today about Enyo.

It's true that some key members of the Enyo team have left the company, but the majority of the engineering and leadership team remains. We want to reassure you that we're thrilled with the traction Enyo has gained to date and are redoubling our efforts to continue development, working closely with the community.

The core of Enyo 2 is solid. We're hearing great things from developers about the performance improvements in the last release, and we have another release on the way. After that, we'll focus on expanding the Onyx widget set. We've enlisted the support of the developer relations engineers you know and love to help out as we work on growing the team.

That's right, we're growing. As we said earlier this month, we're hiring -- not just to replace the engineers who have left, but to increase the size of the team going forward. If you would like to contribute to the success of Enyo (and get paid for it) please let us know. And of course, all are welcome to contribute to the code by making GitHub pull requests.

Our door is open; if you have any concerns, feel free to voice them in the Enyo forums. We're always listening and will do our best to address your questions. We'll also be out in person at next week's O'Reilly Fluent Conference in San Francisco, and at HP Discover in Las Vegas the following week -- we'd love to see you there.


1 comment:

  1. The Enyo team of Hp states reports of its move to Google need clarification. According to yesterday report Google will be assimilating the WebOS framework that started on the failed TouchPad...
    Read full article here,


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