What would you imagine if you wafted toward your favorite Apple Store and discovered lots of black-clad people protesting outside?
You might imagine: "Look at all those people wearing black. They must be ad agency employees on a team-building exercise."
You might also imagine: "Is that a new contemporary dance troupe of which I haven't heard?"
But then you notice that they're all holding up signs that say "Wake Up." They are also shouting "Wake Up." And you wonder, perhaps: "I bet Samsung sent those people."
You would be thinking this especially if you are in Australia, as the two brands have been spatting publicly more than Donald Trump and anyone that Donald Trump doesn't like in any news cycle.
Oddly, though, Samsung claims: "Oh, gosh, no. We wouldn't get involved in something as unseemly as that."
No, that is not a quote. But SlashGear reports that Samsung declared: "Samsung Electronics Australia has nothing to do with the 'Wake-Up Campaign.'"
I am grateful to blogger Nate "Blunty 3000" Burr for capturing this spectacle in a horribly rainy Sydney, a spectacle that might raise some questions. For example: "How come Nate 'Blunty 3000' Burr happened to be there with his camera? Bloggers normally sit at home all day and drink, don't they?
Another question might be: "If Samsung Electronics, Australia is not responsible for this noise, might it mean that Samsung Electronics, Korea is?" Might it be that Samsung Electronics, New Zealand sent over this mob, as some sort of thanks for fine work?
Or might one offer even more conspiracy theories? You see, there is also a Web site -- Wake-Up-Australia.com.au -- that offers some bizarre countdown to who knows what.
This, 9to5Mac tells me, is registered to an ad agency called Tongue. So might Samsung's statement of innocence simply be a little PR wordplay that hides the fact that the company got a Tongue to do its dirty work?
Tongue does claim to organize -- gosh -- "PR stunts."
In my own fanciful mind, I hope this was all organized by Google. The Googlies have become wonderfully combative of late. They're fighting Oracle in the courts, Facebook in the court of public opinion, and Apple in their dreams.
Wouldn't it be lovely if Google wanted to wake up Apple fanboys to a new world of cell phones (coming, who knows when) in the New World?
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